Fadwa Attia from Egypt writes about Solutions proposed to preserve identity

Fadwa Attia from Egypt writes about Solutions proposed to preserve identity
Fadwa Attia from Egypt  writes about  Solutions proposed to preserve identity
There are solutions that we propose to confront the change in our culture and awareness, to continue with true art without ambiguity, to fight for our art with awareness, culture, and love of identity, as I said previously, and that is through training scientific cadres and competencies within government sectors and understanding this by keeping pace with the present, and training university youth to know identity. Its importance is through student activities within universities with technological development and training them face to face in it, as well as training new generations of children in schools to know identity and its true meaning, whether it is a visual, cultural or artistic identity. Training on the ground makes us truly alert to develop ourselves and our societies. After presenting these solutions, an opinion assessment is conducted on the public who follows all arts, whether cinema, theater, or plastic arts
   Or something else, so that this is real on the ground, and after all of the above, youth cadres or children who have been trained or cadres in the government sector who have been refined, trained and given experience, conduct a questionnaire from them, and make of them what is discussed and worked on the ground on systematic plans to develop awareness and identity. Together, whether on social networking sites, on the Internet, on educational platforms, on the media, the press, or on the official websites of ministries, through time-bound methodological plans and development in technology so that this identity has real features that achieve tangible success for countries.
Here, identity, belonging, authenticity, and modernity have a different status. They have value, and thus we have our role and we can never dispense with them. But what is happening now is that creativity is in crisis as a result of globalization or modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence and others. No, the issue needs review. The creator The real needs to develop itself with the new without losing its culture or identity, and this is very important, but if the real culture, the real identity, and the real creativity are lost, we become in a crisis of communication with ourselves and also communication with others.
That is why here comes our role as true critics and artists in all fields, to reach the receptive audience through the various arts in all fields, and to become, as I said previously, interested in identity, culture, science, technology, modern technologies, and globalization, and all of that. We do not abandon our identity and culture. This makes us become developed in the artistic, cultural, social, and scientific fields. And others.
Now, those solutions that I proposed previously, with real methodological plans on the ground, make there an identity with an affiliation to it, with originality and modernity, there becomes
New generations,  preserving their identity with love and belonging without fear, fatigue, or boredom, and there becomes a real insistence on
  The importance of identity, and its beauty increases in those who call for it, who understand its importance and its role in society. We have another meeting to continue our conversation, especially since I presented this in my Fadwa Attia’s Art and Life initiative for sake of God  through workshops, plastic art and others, and art exhibitions for youth, children and others.
I will only say these words: identity, then identity with awareness, thought, and culture, which makes us different and distinct in all fields.