The myth of God's chosen people

The myth of God's chosen people
The myth of God's chosen people
I wrote.
Howaida Awad Ahmed
The Holy Qur’an has mentioned many of the vices and ugliness of the Jews, and among what it has said about them is their killing of the prophets and messengers - unjustly - and ridicule and ridicule of those who command them to be just among the people. Likewise, among the vices and sins it has told about them is their open hostility to the honorable angels of God, especially the Amen of the revelation, Gabriel, peace be upon him. .
This, Glory be to Him, has explained - in more than one place - their bad manners with God Almighty and their description of Him - Glory be to Him - with qualities that do not befit Him, and with what is superior to Him, Glory be to Him.. God is greatly exalted above what they say.
If the current situation now bears witness to the supremacy of Israel, their power and their arrogance over the Arab and Muslim peoples, then it is the wisdom of God.
The Jews in the Qur’an.. God Almighty said. (The verse: (You will find that the most intense of the people in hostility to those who believe are the Jews and those who associate others, and you will find the closest of them in affection to those who believe are those who said Indeed, we are Christians. This is because among them are priests and monks, and that they are not arrogant.” (Al-Ma’idah: 82)
It has been proven that the Jews killed many of God’s prophets, may the best prayers and peace be upon them. They killed the Prophet Zechariah, peace be upon him, because he tried to defend his son Yahya. They killed the Prophet Yahya bin Zakariya, peace be upon them.. and they claimed that they had killed the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him. And they were proud of it, so the Qur’an rebuked them by saying: (
And their saying, “Indeed, We killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of God.” But they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear to them. And indeed, those who differ concerning it are… There is no doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except following suspicion. And they did not kill him with certainty.
They tried to kill the beloved Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, but God Almighty protected him from their evils and frustrated their attempts.
They were known for their bad manners with the Great Creator when they said to Moses, peace be upon him, “Pray for your Lord for us.” They refused to fight the giants when the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, commanded them, because they had a nature of cowardice, malice, deception, love of the world, and desires. They disobeyed God’s command, so He punished them with dispersion on earth.
They said, “O Moses, we will never enter it as long as they remain in it. So go you and your Lord and fight. Indeed, here we sit.” (24) He said, “My Lord, I have no control over Not for myself or my brother. So separate us from the disobedient people. (25) He said, “It is forbidden to them for forty years. They will wander in the land.” ۚ Do not despair over the rebellious people.)
They practiced impudence in their words towards God Almighty (
And the Jews said, “The hand of God is bound; their hands are bound, and they are cursed for what they said.” Rather, His hands are spread out; He spends as He wills.)
During the reign of Pope John Paul, the Vatican and Israel agreed to normalize relations in 1993. He issued a papal letter on anti-Semitism, in which he claimed that Catholics were subject to accountability because of what he considered their past abuses toward Jews.
The Pope said that erroneous interpretations of the New Testament - the Bible - fueled hostility towards the Jews and wrote the Christians' response to their persecution. He also emphasized in his message what he considered the Jewish-Christian heritage.
Among the spiritual leaders, Muslim and Christian, responded to the Vatican’s positions:
Dr. Sayyed Muhammad Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, may God have mercy on him, and former President of the International Islamic Council, said: The Pope of the Vatican has the right to be courteous to the Jews or get close to them as he pleases. This is a matter that does not concern us, does not concern us, and does not affect our positions as Muslims, but it is his duty to support truth and justice. He stands by the oppressed until he takes his rights from the oppressor.
The whole world knows that the Jews were the ones who were unjust. They assaulted the rights of the Arabs, both Muslims and Christians. They usurped their land. They assaulted their souls. They expelled and abandoned them from their homelands and wasted their human dignity through the heinous crimes they committed against the Arabs.
As for the opinion of the Egyptian Church... Pope Shenouda III, may God have mercy on him, says: The Jews have no biblical basis. We believe in the Torah, but there is nothing in any of its books that supports the Jews. The first point on which the Jews rely is God’s promises to the writers and prophets to inhabit the land of Palestine. This point is counterbalanced by two points. The world at that time was pagan, and the wisdom of Almighty God required that the faith be preserved in a specific, closed area. Because if it came into contact with the pagan world, it would be infected with the pagan infection. What we knew when the Jews slowed down, when our master Moses was absent from them for forty nights, to receive from the revelation. Jewish law. When he returned, he found them collecting gold, pouring it into a golden calf, and calling him the god who brought you out of Egypt. And so they are over time
They have no religion, no covenant, and no covenant.
In the year 70 AD, during the reign of the Roman leader Titus, he destroyed the ancient worships, and the Jews were dispersed to the ends of the earth, and they were called the Jews of the Diaspora. This was not the first anger against them, but rather the second. The first was the captivity of Babylon, the plundering of the Temple, and the destruction of Jerusalem after he destroyed its wall and burned it with fire...and God threw them into The land of captivity, where all the strong among them were used as prisoners of war in the service of the kings, and only the weak and poor were left in Jerusalem.
As for the idea of internationalizing Jerusalem, it means the Arabs giving it up, and its meaning is the first step for the Jews to completely rule it. Religious supervision, not political rule, and all that nonsense, is nothing but a sign of subjugating the Arabs to giving up Jerusalem, as we have seen throughout the past ages.
On April 11, 1997, Pope John Paul II made a statement denouncing anti-Semitism. He said that Christ was a Jew.
He said that if Christians realized that the Great Christ was a true son of Israel, then they would no longer accept that the Jews would be persecuted or mistreated as Jews.
The opinion of the Vatican is not hidden from everyone. In the year 1929, the Holy See focused on an important point, which is the identity of the Holy City - that it is sacred to the followers of the three religions and that it is a city that has sacred international characteristics, as stated in the letter of Pope John Paul II in the year 1984, since the time of David the Prophet, peace be upon him, who made Jerusalem. The capital of his kingdom and after him his son, King Solomon, the Prophet, who established the Temple
Christians view the Holy City as having witnessed the events of redemption and continuing the path of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Jerusalem, the first Christian community was born, whose roots have not been cut off to this day, and the church presence remains alive through the pains and difficulties.
For Muslims, it is their first qibla and the place of pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
And after the second phase of the Oslo Accords referred to the establishment of a stable and precise system and the position of the Arab countries on it, and that this is a fantasy for the Arab countries to agree to subject Jerusalem to partition.
Arab Christians stressed that Christianity, as a faith or religion, has nothing to do with the modern state of Israel. The word “Christ, son of Israel,” has nothing to do with a Jewish state that calls itself Israel.
Christianity views the State of Israel as it views any member of the United Nations, nothing more and nothing less. It has no religious meanings or relationship to the Christian faith.
As for what comes from the minds of the Israelis, they tampered with the names and exploited the emotions of Christians, especially in America. These are their methods that were completely rejected by the Catholic Church, and the Orthodox churches rejected this crooked confusion.
Also, Al-Azhar Al-Sharif strongly stood against such nonsense. It remains for the Arab mind to be liberated from the influence of Zionist culture and Zionist news, because the war of thought is more influential than the war of fire.
All colonial wars on this planet have ended, except for the colonization of the Zionists, because they take a religious form from it. They are God’s chosen people, and they are the ones who fought God, fought peace, and fought, burned, and annihilated humanity on earth.