Fadwa Attia from Egypt writes about the

Fadwa Attia from Egypt writes about the
Fadwa Attia from Egypt writes about the
 importance of different arts and their relationship to identity, authenticity, modernity, and their relationship to society, and applying this in her initiative (Fadwa Attia's Art and Life initiative ) for Free
What about after our talk about identity and its connection to authenticity and modernity? We need to teach the new generations the meaning of identity with authenticity and modernity and its importance, the meaning of heritage and inheritance and what works for us, the importance of the various arts in our lives, such as cinema, theatre, visual art and others. All of this starts from our homes and our lives. We search for art. The serious, sophisticated artist, and that is not easy, but rather very difficult. There are times when fine art requires years and years to remain on the throne of the hearts of its fans and audiences. I write these words at a time when the true artist or the true creator is confronted with a real confrontation. Should he offer what does not satisfy him artistically in order to ascend quickly, or should he be patient and sculpt in... The rock?
I know that this is very difficult, but he must keep pace with what is new, but by developing his art in a way that suits the era in terms of technology, globalization and other things, without abandoning his true identity with originality and modernity, and searching without stopping and relying on God with constant striving, and who I call, it is the responsibility of all of us who can stand beside the creative people. Various ministries of media, culture, and others, let them stand by them and support them. We need that very much now. Whoever can teach others, let him teach. Whoever can help others in all arts. This is our duty. New generations need guidance and assistance. In addition, everyone who has a platform for knowledge should teach as long as his education is correct. And by educational platforms, I mean schools. Yes, schools bear the greatest burden of teaching and guiding generations in theatre, drawing, fine art, music, singing, religious chanting, Qur’anic recitation, physical exercise, housekeeping, sewing, and other things.
All the basics must be present in Egypt for Arab and Islamic services. We also call for development in technology and artificial intelligence, but the presence of creativity is what suits our morals, our religion, our societies, and our identity. We take what benefits us, puts us in the ranks of the first unit, develops us, so that we have our strength in our knowledge, our art, our culture, and our identity. That's why we need it so much,
Who among us imagines that our era will develop so quickly? The world has become like a small village. Information has become covered in the news with the utmost ease and speed. Nothing can be hidden. Everything has become clearly evident, due to transparency and credibility now. Therefore, we must be developed in our present time, and not neglect our culture and identity, but rather search for the new. With originality and modernity, this is not difficult, but it requires effort, thought, vision, methodological plans, culture, and intellectual and historical awareness. This is not talk in an article and ends, but rather an important and ongoing dialogue that you will never forget. Therefore, we must continue on our path without stopping, out of our belief that true art does not stop, even if we are here in Egypt. Different civilizations, Pharaonic, Coptic, and Islamic, all flow from one source towards different arts that we clearly need. Egypt is still Hollywood. The East and Egypt are the mother of the world with its civilizations and arts. We must benefit from the past to develop the present and the future, and this takes years and years, but currently at this moment we must,
To continue and have our own capabilities to develop and present real, serious art without stopping.
Creativity appears from true art, even if the true, honest creator has become obscure, no one knows him, and is not famous. Rather, the true, honest artist continues in his art, even if he gets very tired, he continues. He must appear one day, for God does not waste the reward of the one who does the best work.
We do not have to rush at all, for God provides for those who are tired and make an effort constantly without stopping. This is the reality of the one who is tired and miserable with your effort, and his true, sincere art actually reaches his gift, even after a while.
And we return to continue our conversation. The true, honest creative person is always required to develop his art, as well as to learn about everything new in terms of culture and historical, intellectual and civilizational awareness, to follow what is around him from inside and outside his country of various arts, to develop himself and the skills and existence of human development sciences that he must know. This makes him different, educated and aware.
And all of this is taken by an educated person
Conscious, and then presents his art to the receiving audience, whether in cinema, theatre, plastic arts, or other arts, so that he has his own imprint and vision, and communicates his art honestly and transparently to the.. hearts of the art audience who loves his art, even if he labors for years and loses financially in moments, he must reach it.
   For his goals, and that will become influential in society, building true art of value that history will never forget, but rather record.
Identity, with all its vocabulary, appears complete in its new guise, with authenticity and modernity, so that the state of the creator becomes complete in its beauty, with a distinguished world that never ends with true creativity.
It presents different frames  that are open to discussion and dialogue with love and beauty that makes us remember the equation of true art with true creativity. It does not die with the death of the artist, but rather lives forever.
It remains firmly established in the hearts as long as it is real and honest and expresses the concerns, conditions and issues of society.
That is why we will write and continue to write honesty in our articles, just as I established the Fadwa Attia 's Art and Life Initiative for Free , which presented various exhibitions, arts, and endless artistic workshops, to tell everyone to continue with our art and our sincere and undying creativity.