power logic
I wrote
Howayda Awad Ahmed
The state possesses new power, authority or influence, which makes it the main force in various fields or fields.
It confers a political character on all activities. The characteristics of neutrality and comprehensiveness take the public benefit or the public good and rationality, as they are above idiosyncrasies and irrationality. In the face of their growing influence, there are many views regarding them.
Authority in its general sense is the right to command. Or it is a relationship between two mutually agreeable parties.
Hence, he distinguishes between authority, authoritarianism, authority, authoritarianism, and domination. It can be said that dialectic can, in certain historical circumstances, push power to overturn control.
He explains the same idea in a different way in terms of distinguishing between ability as authority and ability as control. Thus, man rules himself. That is, he exercises authority over himself as a will that commands itself and is committed to free will. In this way, legitimacy is an attribute of authority.
Authority does not mean transgression of the right to matter. It also does not mean subjugation, compulsion or coercion. In the sense that it is not based on relationships of social domination or even relationships of symbolic domination. Authority here is based on right and humanity as two absolute values. Its purity is not disturbed by the existence of social and economic inequalities. Or the belief that these disparities are natural.
The power of the ruler is due to the strength of his knowledge, modern strength, and the strength of his authority, as well as the strength of the social groups that believe in him. The logic of thought and the logic of reality support him firmly.
Here we realize that there is a union between the authority of the ruler and / the authority of the state. And that there is no fundamental difference between the entity of the ruler and the entity of any member of the people who rules it. The ruler’s power is from the power of the people or the authority of the ruler is from the authority of the state through delegation. And the authority of the state is Community will.
An authority that cannot be dispensed with or abolished.
People do not submit themselves and their destinies in any matter to a leader to whom they submit and follow him except for the sake of themselves.
The leader does not receive the order of others to harness and use it to achieve his own purposes. Although it is impossible to completely strip him of his private purposes and demands to secure a certain role for the people as a political actor. In terms of the situation, he is the passive party.
However, this does not dispense with concentrating thinking on the issue of the political leadership on the active party.
That is, the legitimate ruler as a leader. People are considered, if it is true to say that they make their history, then in the first place it is true of people in terms of their authority and that authority retains a central value in the history-making process, and that the individual makes his own history by his authority over himself. He is the ruler and the ruled, The rapporteur and the savior because he is independent by himself in managing his own affairs.
It gives a philosophical meaning to power, as the correct concept of it is not possible in religious thought, mythological thought, or ideological thought. Rather, it is in philosophical thought, because it makes sense of power in relation to the right in itself, not in relation to a specific historical event. In dealing with this point, history does not take the importance What is required, because reality in relation to it does not constitute the primary truth in understanding. History keeps its influence accidental in front of the influence of thought.
Thought remains the primary truth. By analogy with this understanding, authority is considered a value or an existing substance that it has applied.
History is nothing but a possibility of unlimited possibilities that we will not be able to reach except by conforming to reality from the essence.
Authority carries the meaning of the common good, the future, the public benefit, and the making of history... The leader carries people's concerns, issues, aspirations, goals and desires... and his personal interest is secondary.
The will of the individual, the ruler, the authority, or the people is the real active force.
In line with this meaning, the relationship between the two parties to the authority is considered a voluntary and conscious relationship. That is, as a result of rational positions. And free..in terms of autonomy from circumstances and from social relations in decision-making, especially in terms of delegation. Despite his call to give importance to the people in determining Historical goals, it recognizes the main active role of the authority, the ruler or the leader. It is understood that the individual has a will before he forms a relationship with reality.
The secondary importance given by him to history and compatible with the reality of his thinking based on thought or awareness as a primary fact independent of itself will not modify or change the matter of his neglect of reality and here it is necessary to ask some questions that reveal the deficiency of voluntary thinking. Is the will of a backward society what events of economic development consider Is it sufficient alone to bring about this development in light of the lack of ownership of his national wealth or in light of the relations of economic dominance in the global market?
Does the will of this society to bring about political or educational reforms allow achieving the required reforms, in light of the economic and social backwardness?
If a country thought of world domination could it achieve its purpose just by thinking of it?
If a person thinks of being a great composer, a painter, or a doctor, can he achieve his goal just by thinking about this matter? I do not mean by these questions to deny the role of the will. In fact, it is not a will without circumstances, or circumstances without a will. It is a relationship that combines the will with the circumstances, an attractive or interactive dialectical relationship, in which the individual affects the circumstances in the light of the influence of circumstances on him, and therefore it is wrong to understand the individual as an independent value.
As for the struggle for power, he considers power as an absolute value in the past, present and future. He believes that philosophy alone is qualified to give an answer to power as a value and alone it looks at power as a human phenomenon, from a rational, comprehensive point of view, and defines its nature and conditions for its possibility and realization in the best way, and distinguishes between the struggle over Power and the struggle for control. The will of individual power is considered the natural driver of power in the state. The situation for power is the struggle over it, and control is a deviation of power from the straight path. It contrasts between the legitimacy of the ruler in control and the legitimacy of the ruler in power. He explains political rape by taking valuable things. Abstained from the people by denying that the people are a group of free individuals.
And the political will with a critical attitude from the ruler.
It is assumed that the natural struggle for power is subject to the rule of supply and demand.
It gives public opinion the possibility of not being silent about abuse of power or authoritarianism.
He criticizes the class and liberal theories of the struggle for power.
From the outcome of the foregoing, justice, economy, science, the degree of awareness of the people, and the degree to which there is an appropriate atmosphere for the extension of power is the decisive factor in taking the ruler and his authority and entrusting him with all tasks or part of the competence of the ruler and authorizing the popular forces the remaining part to change the course of power.
And because the logic of power is a tight logic with several factors that change with the change of time, societies and circumstances, new circumstances come with new thought and awareness that change the thinking and the degree of its inclination to produce a new leadership and authority that suits its new thought.