Mortada Mansour and departure from the text

Mortada Mansour and departure from the text
Dr.. Mohamed Dabbasha
Counselor Mortada Mansour, the Egyptian parliamentarian, president of the Zamalek Club, and the lawyer in cassation, used to deviate from the text in any dispute that arises between him and other parties in the political and football scene in Egypt, and directing insults with obscene words, disregarding all noble values and morals, believing that he is above the law and dependent on his parliamentary immunity. His previous judicial history.
Referring to the aforementioned history, we find that he is a controversial figure who loves to appear in the media to direct insults to others, and he executed a prison sentence in the era of President Mubarak, accusing him in cases of this kind. A few days ago, he was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with labor and enforceability in Case No. 83 of 2022 by the Economic Court of Appeal, which was filed in favor of Mahmoud Al-Khatib, president of Al-Ahly Club, on charges of insulting and slandering him, for which the accused did not present evidence to the aforementioned court.
A member of the Football Association confirmed that in the event of the imprisonment of Counselor Mortada Mansour, he will lose his presidency of the Zamalek club, and thus he will also be referred to the Ethics Committee of the Egyptian Parliament to take a decision on canceling his membership in Parliament in accordance with the laws and regulations related to this matter, and legal sources confirmed that Mortada Mansour must surrender himself to implement The judgment or escape and there is no third option because the judgment is enforceable and the execution of this judgment will re-implement a previous judgment issued against him with a year with a suspended sentence because he did not abide by the same charge before the expiry of the legal period.
In fact, there is resentment from the general public regarding this abnormal behavior of a man who was supposed to have good morals in order to preserve his history and the positions he reached, both in the Egyptian Parliament and the Zamalek Club, and he should have been a good role model for young people and a role model in the political, legal and rural community. In Egypt, he does not deviate from the values and ideals, especially since he is at an age that does not allow him to conduct this behavior, and therefore the general public is waiting for the execution of the sentence against the accused until they feel that the law is applied to everyone.
It is reported that in his first comment on the court’s ruling on his imprisonment for a month with work and enforcement, Counselor Mortada Mansour said in a video clip of him inside the table tennis hall.
“This is my response. I am not in favor of you when I leave your generation.”