We always hope to place red lines under many of the files that disturb the lives of Arab citizens and are a matter of life and death for them, and among these files is the health file. Unfortunately, we remain in the stage of wishful thinking with governments that follow the style of the past and do not develop their performance to become de facto and on the ground. Citizen health is a line. Red because health is the energy used to build the nation.
The truth is that the picture is not blurry, nor is it pleasing. Most children suffer from malnutrition, anemia, and general weakness, which negatively affects the educational and academic achievement of large segments. Hence, nutrition appears as an influential element in public health that must be paid attention to, and food must also be provided at prices that suit everyone, not to mention Lack of availability of medicines and medical supplies in government hospitals due to insufficient financial allocations.
If we determine that citizen health should be a red line, it must be protected by a health insurance law that includes all citizens and provides them with free health care, because health is the energy that moves a person to construction and development instead of it being a burden on others.
If we are looking for a system to treat physical diseases, that system must include psychological diseases, which I believe are more dangerous to countries than organic diseases. Because of their seriousness, the terrorist appears who suffers from the absence of reason and conscience, and the ego is unable to deal with reality or adapt to others. Scientists have confirmed Psychotherapy: Fear, anxiety, and depression contribute greatly to the emergence of organic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, paralysis, blindness, hysterical mutism, and angina, and they are called psychosomatic diseases, which are diseases that have a psychological basis. Hence, we need a comprehensive treatment system that covers all segments of society, for which budgets are allocated. Sufficient equipment, laboratories, doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and technicians throughout the country.
Arab parliaments must pay attention to developing legislation that guarantees comprehensive health insurance and citizens’ access to free medicines, surgeries, tests and x-rays in implementation of the recommendations of the World Health Organization, in addition to sustainable medical research to preserve public health.