Black glasses rule the world

Black glasses rule the world
Black glasses rule the world
Black glasses rule the world
Dr. Mohammed Dabbasheh
With a deeper, more objective and rational look, we can judge what is going on in the world, especially in our Arab homeland, of bloody events that have bloodied many countries for decades, and we are still in your place a secret. The worst thing is the rivalry over power and interference in the affairs of states and the problems of terrorism and water, and with all this we find the international community with all its institutions wearing black glasses that only see under their feet and revolve in the orbit of ego and personal interests and do not see any aggression that occurs against the Arab peoples and ignore all international norms, covenants and decisions related to this matter.
Those glasses that America designed and gifted free of charge to many influential countries in the Security Council, the United Nations and human rights organizations so that they do not see the facts clear, so they revolt and stand in the ranks of the Arab countries for the return of their stolen rights for more than half a century and stand in the face of Israel, the only occupying state in the world for the establishment of The state of Palestine on all its lands with East Jerusalem as its capital and alleviating the suffering of its people who have endured a lot of killing, captivity and displacement, glasses that do not see Egypt’s right to the waters of the Nile, glasses that did not provide support to Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine and other Arab countries so that they return to the Arab embrace in security Security and stability.
And it is clear that we should look more deeply in order to unite and break those dark glasses that do not want to see the light, nor the clear facts that the blind see before the sight, and the night before the day. This vision must be a distorted vision, perhaps from our point of view, but from the point of view of its architect, as it plays the role assigned to it completely, which is to weaken and dismantle the Arab countries so that Israel can make its individual decisions and do what it wants in the Middle East without deterrence from the international community or the Security Council. Many questions revolve in the mind of every Arab citizen who is keen on the stability of his country:
How long will the international community remain dumb, blind and insightful, unable to restore rights to their owners?
How long will the occupied Arab lands remain under the Israeli occupation while the international community did not move a finger to return the rights to their owners in accordance with the decisions issued in this regard?
How long will the Arab-Arab differences remain in the interests of the occupying state and serve as a pretext for not reaching a final solution, liberating the occupied lands and establishing the state of Palestine?
How long will the dream of Arab unity remain imprisoned in the drawers and will not emerge into the light so that we can be an influential force in the world and be able to restore our dignity, our wealth and our stolen land?
How long will the absence of democracy and the struggle for power continue to dominate us and we do not take into account the interest of the great Arab world over our personal interests that bring ruin, destruction and poverty to the Arab peoples?
And there is nothing wrong with many questions that start with when? Inevitably, the satisfactory and sufficient answer will be that we could not even free ourselves from ourselves as long as black glasses rule the world!!!