بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Non-aggression pact


Written by
Howayda Awad Ahmed

The pact is an agreement between two countries or a group of countries to renounce war as a way of dealing with each other. It is specifically called the agreement that was signed on August 23, 1939 between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union at the time. This agreement was preceded in early August by a change in the Soviet Foreign Minister. Maxim Litvinov was replaced in the ministry and was known for his sympathy with the Western countries by Vyacheslav Molotov, who doubted the intentions of England and France and believed that all the two Western countries wanted was to cause a devastating war between Germany and the Soviet Union at the time that would exhaust the forces of both parties and return the West to control the capabilities of Eastern Europe, which Germany was gradually extending its control over, without encountering serious opposition from the two Western alliances. Rather, the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia at the time took place with their approval, which exposed the Soviet Union at the time to the most serious  The dangers. The two Western countries were reluctant for the Soviet Union to accept an aggression contract with its primary enemy, which hastened the outbreak of World War II, as Hitler was able in the first stage to gather his forces in the West, invade France, and expel British forces from the continent, the defeat of Dunkirk. But the Soviet calculations at that time tended to consider that the Western countries were not serious in their guarantees to Poland against German ambitions, and that Poland would witness the collapse of Czechoslovakia before, and that the role of the Baltic states was coming on the way, and as a result, war would break out between the Soviet Union and Germany without the former having an advanced defense line in Poland itself that would delay the advance of the German forces. This was what Poland and the two Western countries rejected, so Soviet diplomacy at that time saw that if it agreed with Hitler that the Soviet Union would occupy the eastern part of Poland in exchange for Germany occupying the western part, it would have established an advanced precautionary defense error in Polish territory and diverted Hitler's energies towards the West and trapped him in the war with France.  England, instead of involving France and England in a war with the Soviet Union alone.
The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact was concluded for ten years and stipulated in its second article that if the Soviet Union and Germany were subjected to an act of aggression by a third power, the other contracting party would not support this third power in any way. Then the pact was attached to a secret annex that determined the Soviet and German influence in Eastern Europe.
It also included the division of Poland and the annexation of Bessarabia to the Soviet Union. Then the Soviet Union rushed to conclude treaties with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania that gave it privileges in establishing military bases.
The Soviet Union tried to conclude a similar treaty with Finland, but it rejected the offer, so Soviet forces invaded its country and the battles continued until March 1940 and ended with the Soviet occupation of more than sixteen thousand square miles of Finnish territory. The Western countries responded to this action by expelling the Soviet Union from the League of Nations.
But as soon as the twenty-second of June 1941 came, the German armies violated the pact and crossed the Russian-German border, and thus the fate of World War II took directions other than what was expected and ended with the defeat of the Axis forces and the victory of the Allies. Not only the Soviet Union but also the United States of America had joined the Allies. Thus, from the previous historical presentation, it is necessary to take lessons and understand the colonial mentality that has no covenant and no pact, and that the interest and plundering of the wealth of the countries entrusted with their plans is what rules the game. The past always repeats itself with ease with the big players, and now the spoiled son, the Zionist entity, which is an integral part of the cells of the American mind, the tissue of the liver of the British government, the arteries of the lungs in France, and the plan of Germany's ambitions, has joined.  Then come the events of today and the harbinger of a new world war driven by the same goals, the same countries and the same axes and adopting a new method, which is to push the militias that it created with its own hands and slowly and distributed them as an outlet and hotbeds in the Arab League such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to be tools to implement the old modern plan to divide the Arab countries again after the departure of battles, liquidations and assassinations only to find events and scenarios for fighting in order to control the Arab countries and empty them of deterrence and destroy their remaining armies and kill any glimmer of hope in the Arab peoples with the cold war sometimes and the war with fire sometimes and by fragmenting the peoples from within with drugs and distracting the minds with all kinds and forms of destroying the peoples, killing scientists and assassinating politicians and striking the economies of the countries and besieging them with wars in all directions and creating a general atmosphere of anticipation and waiting for the strikes of this and the response of that until the outbreak of a comprehensive war that leaves nothing behind. If the Arabs do not pay attention to who they are taking refuge in and in the face of whom the entire region will enter into a colonialism that is the same old colonialist but in a modern style.

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