بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Egypt mother of the world


Dr.. Muhammad Dabbasha

Since the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood from Gaza against the occupying Zionist entity on the 7th of last October, Egypt has stood with all the cards it has to pressure the Israeli side to stop the massacres committed against civilians in the Gaza Strip and to demand that the international community bear its responsibilities towards the violations of the brutal enemy and what it committed. Killing children, women, and the elderly, and destroying hospitals, mosques, and buildings above the heads of their residents are nothing but war crimes criminalized by international law and the human conscience.
From the first moment of the outbreak of war between the two sides, Egypt appealed to everyone to exercise restraint in order to preserve the lives of civilians, and it made intensive contacts with the leaders of Hamas and the Israeli side to prevent escalation, leading to preventing the exit of foreigners from the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing, if Israel did not allow aid to enter the Strip, which has already been done. Entry of aid The crossing is still open for the entry of more humanitarian aid provided by some Arab and foreign countries.
After the Zionist enemy rejected Egypt's demands for calm and to stop the bloodshed, Egypt withdrew its ambassador from Israel in protest against the intransigence of Israel's leaders and the adoption of a scorched earth policy in Gaza due to its residents fleeing to Sinai and considering it an alternative homeland, in implementation of the Zionist plan previously announced and under the custody of the Israeli Minister of Intelligence, and after the outbreak of demonstrations. In Egypt, and demanding that President Sisi expel the Israeli ambassador from Egypt, the Israeli Foreign Ministry withdrew the ambassador and the embassy staff from Egypt and the sister Kingdom of Morocco.
In the last Security Council session, Egypt called on the international community to put pressure on Israel for a two-state solution and establish an independent State of Palestine on all of its territories occupied in 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. In his speech, Ambassador Osama Abdel Khaleq, Egypt’s permanent representative to the United Nations in New York, said that he must be held accountable. Who is responsible for the heinous crime represented by the bombing of Baptist Hospital in Gaza, and that Egypt will work to achieve this.
A few days ago, Egypt opened the Rafah crossing for those injured in Gaza, treating them in Egyptian hospitals and providing all aspects of care to them and their companions.
In his speech, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi stressed the need for the residents of Gaza to remain on their land in the Gaza Strip, warning that their exit might lead to the “liquidation of the Palestinian cause.” He called on Israel to avoid targeting the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing so that international aid could be delivered to the Gaza Strip, and that Egypt would not It abandons the Palestinian issue and will do its utmost to bring peace to the region.