بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

paper boats

paper boats
Dr.. Mohamed Dabbasha
This is how we became like paper boats lying on the surface of a torrential water in the sea of life, whose waves swept us to shores that could not save what was left of us from drowning. It has death, destruction and annihilation.
The witness is that the Arab weakness is taking every day of the ways that strengthens his weakness, erodes his determination and strength, and slaughters what remains of his dignity on the altars of silence, meekness, denunciation and condemnation. It is exposed to it in the journey of life, and the world around it has made for itself of economic, military and intellectual blocs what made it control the third world of weak people like us and we still boast about the civilizations of the past and say that we taught the whole world medicine, engineering, astronomy and embalming and that our scientific, artistic and literary production is credited for The whole of humanity is in its progress, growth and prosperity.
And if our ancient ancestors left us what makes us a force on the face of the earth and built civilizations for which the world has witnessed from one end to the other, then do we, their children and grandchildren, add something to remember, or have we neglected the land, the honor and the knowledge until our situation is not deplorable?
And if we want to diagnose Arab weakness, we find that it has been overcome by the nature of the ego and we have become weak and unable to survive, and that is why we have lost the ability to sit and unite as God Almighty commanded us in his holy book - and hold fast to the rope of God all and do not be divided……
   The flags blocked the sunlight and illusions and dreams became without ability or solidarity and interdependence, so it is no wonder that we are boats of paper and valuable fishing for an enemy that lurks in us with no religion, no morals, and no deterrent except by force. Unite, may God reward you with good, and strike the necks of your enemies with one man, and liberate the Arab lands that have been screaming for more than half a century ago while we slept, and we are still thinking with which foot we enter the bathroom, and if we enter it with the left, is this permissible or forbidden?

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