بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Egyptian markets without supervision

Dr. Mohamed Dabasha
Member of the Egyptian Writers Union
Since Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi assumed power in 2014, the prices of essential and non-essential goods began to rise until the unjustified high prices became an unprecedented feature in all government and non-government goods and services, which burdened the simple Egyptian citizen in obtaining his living requirements at imaginary prices that the simple classes cannot afford.
If we attribute the accusation of high prices to monopoly and the greed of merchants, then where is the role of the government in monitoring the markets to control the madness of prices that exceeded all expectations? All the promises made by the president and Madbouly's government that Egypt is the mother of the world and will become the head of the world have also failed.
The people's screams are heard far and wide due to high prices and low income, as the vast majority cannot, no matter what they do, live with dignity as one of the goals of the January 2011 revolution (bread, freedom, human dignity), until the simple people of the people gave up meat, poultry, fish, cheese and milk due to their high prices, and the lunch of that group became poultry carcasses and eggs in case of necessity, and accordingly, anemia, blood deficiency and general weakness found fertile ground in which to grow as they wish.
The question is how can a country that cannot provide food at reasonable prices make the youth a productive and defensive force that preserves its land, how can a country that raises the slogan of education while students are sick with the diseases mentioned above, how can they acquire knowledge while they need food that stimulates the mind and maintains public health, how can a country expand in construction and neglect human development. A country cannot sell its services to its citizens at exaggerated prices in order to cover the budget deficit and reduce support to an unbearable degree. It is known to everyone that increasing national income does not come from increasing production, exports, and attracting foreign investments. Most of it comes from raising prices, reducing support, and taxes. If the situation continues as it is, I believe that we are on the brink of a disaster whose seriousness is known only to God.

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