بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

The silence became a jailer.. The poet by: Mohammed Dabashah

The silence became a jailer The poet Mohammed Dabashah


He has built Zion in us

Silence became a jailer

The weakness remained

He was sunk without sails

The drums of despair

On tears and grief

Drain the spring of cast

Horses and colors

The blood sheds rivers

He is prosecuting our silent inability

How can we be free?

And the sun of splendor as long as

The boy wears the ego

Proudness was lost

Flags raise flags

The rage is tempered by time

We will be as inheritance

And a river watered ghosts

They steal the sunlight

Blur our identity blur

They take away the limits of yesterday

Unjustly and bluntly

And how many orphans remained

Weave Sven denunciation

And the mind in us is lost

But he is Hittin

He will liberate the earth

And display

Throw a rose flower

Expel the dreaded occupier



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