بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

Yemen is confused between north and south


Dr.. Muhammad Dabbasha
Member of the Egyptian Writers Union

It is unfortunate that an Arab pen writes about Arab-Arab disputes or disputes between brothers in one Arab homeland, which in the past was called Happy Yemen, which we hope will return to that as soon as possible, and mentions that these disputes were resolved in Cairo during the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. These agreements then went to waste when he and his regime were overthrown, and the rivalry and fighting for power in the north continues to this day, in addition to the division between the leaders of the north and the leaders of the south, who deal with each other as two countries and not one country with one flag flying over it.
It is also unfortunate to see the capabilities of the Yemeni people being wasted here and there as a result of armed conflicts between three parties who are brothers, but each of them has a special agenda that works in its favor, with the exception of the national forces, the Yemeni army, and all the loyal people who are making precious and precious efforts in order to preserve a unified state of Yemen without discrimination. Between the people of the North and the people of the South.
The brotherly Yemeni people must take Sudan as an example and not follow the path it did of conflicts and fighting that led to it being divided into two halves, one in the north and another in the south, and in doing so they turned away from the words of the truth, Glory be to Him, “And hold fast all together to the rope of God and do not become divided, and remember the blessings of God upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts and united you.” By His grace, brothers... ».
Therefore, we call on all political forces in Yemen to return to the negotiating table in order to agree on a road map that takes into account the demands of all parties, so that Yemen can return to its previous status as a pivotal country in the Middle East region, with a history and civilization that is witnessed by far and near. Thus, we have missed the opportunity against all the forces of evil. To tamper with a unified Yemen to tear it apart for the sake of the ambitions of external powers that have interests in Yemen, and it is in their interest to break it up into mini-states so that it becomes weak and can be controlled.

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