بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

The bloody files in the Middle East.. by Dr Mohamed Dabbasha

After the revolutions of the Arab fall, which brought their ugly face to the Middle East and included many Arab countries to change their identity, blow up their capabilities, and displace their people, and the question that comes to mind and worries the ordinary citizen who does not care about politics, did the winds of change suddenly blow on those countries to overthrow their rulers and weaken their military capabilities And spreading chaos throughout the Arab world? Or is it the product of a Zionist-American scheme supported by the intelligence of countries with interests in the region that exploited the suffering of the people, the weak souls, the forces of evil and terrorism in implementing the vision of those countries in a new Middle East in which Israel would have the lion’s share of power, domination and control over its neighboring countries.

If we look at the map of the Arab countries, we find that the Syrian crisis has been going on for more than ten years of war and destruction, the displacement of millions of its people without a solution, and the killing of hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens. ,

If we move to the situation in Libya, we find that the national army is still fighting armed gangs backed by countries that sponsor and finance terrorism, and it is shameful that there are evidence confirming the presence of traitors who sell their lands and ally with terrorism for personal interests that are paid for by the simple citizen and hinder Libya’s return to its regional and global role.

In Egypt, we are still fighting the terrorism of six countries, namely Israel, with the support of America, Qatar, Turkey, Iran and England, and we are standing up strong on behalf of the world to purify Sinai from this black terrorism. An upcoming war will cause instability in the region.

In Yemen, the Arab coalition is still hitting the strongholds of the Houthis, Ali Abdullah Saleh, and the enemies of legitimacy who have overturned power ten years ago. Until now, the situation is still catastrophic in Yemen.

In Palestine, and after the announcement of the deal of the century, Israel bombed areas in Gaza by air to implement the fait accompli policy and pass the deal of the century, and that the reconstruction of Gaza may be an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict or the entry of Egypt as a partner with the Palestinian side in the war on Israel and the restoration of the occupied Arab lands if Israel returns Its blatant attack on the Gaza Strip and the loss of Arab funds that were spent on reconstruction.

Despite all this, the mouthpiece of the Arab peoples has become to ask legitimate questions that have become intractable to the rulers, politicians and major parties in those countries to answer. How long will the bloody files remain open in the Arab countries? How long will we continue to suffer from this black terrorism? How long will we remain unable to confront those countries that support and sponsor terrorism? And the most important question is how long will we remain disjointed states, who can easily eliminate us? The international legitimacy does not see, does not hear, and does not respond to the legitimate Arab demands

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