بوابة صوت بلادى بأمريكا

International protection, by: Howaida Awad Ahmed

 This type of protection occurs under an agreement between two independent states, each with an international personality.

 It is intended that one of them be placed under the other's protection to defend it against any foreign aggression

 For example

 The Principality of Manaco, which placed itself under the protection of France in accordance with the friendship and protection treaties concluded in 1963. This was the last treaty and was preceded by two treaties. Another example is the Principality of Andorra, which put itself under the joint bilateral protection of France and Spain.

 Also, the Republic of San Marino, which placed itself under Italian protection under the friendship and protection treaties concluded between them since 1898.

 the most we can talk about

 All of these territories are small states bordering states that protect them under special treaties concluded between them

 Protected countries in particular lose their external jurisdiction.  Whereas the Protecting Power alone represents diplomatic representation and protects its nationals abroad, as it alone is internationally responsible for it.

 As for the internal field.

 The distribution of competencies varies from case to case

 On the one hand, the principle enslaves the system of direct protection on the part of the protecting state, although it has been observed sometimes from the activity of the protective state of public utilities directly connected to it.

 Each protection institute defines the method and methods of this protection.

 Of course, there are different systems of protection, the most important of which is colonial protection.

 From here we conclude that protection is not a fixed system because it is originally based on strength, and therefore it changes from one country to another.


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